Operating Instructions

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 BPR Operating Instructions. Ver 4:1 Nov 2014

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2 thoughts on “Operating Instructions

  1. I ride a lot…I love to ride!
    I ride SS I know you know why..
    I have a Blacksheep Luna Vista with a Faith fork, but that does not make me cool..
    I’m not looking to be someone or something…to busy planningy next ride.

    I wonder if there Is a BPR chapter in Utah?


    1. Yo Jay. BlackSheep? Single Speed Freak? Sounds like you could be in the running to START a BPR UTAH chapter. My Brother, The Morale Chairman, has a number of college (college = early 1990s) friends in Utah / ParK City area. They keep talking about starting a BPR UTAH chapter, but the movement hasn’t ‘gotten’ off the ground yet. So… maybe you’re the one. Check out the BPR Profiles – Link to BPR Profiles – think about THE IF / THE WHO / THE WHAT you would do with a BPR UTAH chapter and let me know. (judd@backofthepackracing.com) Are you gonna ‘race’ at SSUT. October 16th – 18th. A few BPR AZ dudes may be there. (I won’t, as I may be returning from SSWC15 in Japan and then will hit the Zuni 100 outside of gallup.)


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